"How to make your football academy successful and profitable."

Football presentations


“Edmond Claus, speaker for your event, seminar, club- or society activity”


Presentation topics which have proven to be successful and appealing:


 "The secret of the Ajax Academy"

The Ajax Academy is world famous. It regularly produces top talents. Because of his 23-year stay at the club as a player and employee in many different coach- and management functions, Edmond Claus knows the ins and outs of the philosophy and method of this club. As a result, he is able to give a fascinating presentation about the talents from this small but prosperous country.

"Team success is a journey

Team building processes and communication processes are essential in team sports. From our years of experience and our clear vision on the subject, we can give you tools and examples to work with on these topics. We explain how group processes, behaviour and communication work in a team.  In the framework of the tactical team-building process, we discuss our vision on football. We underpin this vision by using practice examples and image material.

"Talent is born everywhere but will not come to fruition everywhere"

Social-demographic and Cultural factors largely determine your chances of success. We discuss the month-of-birth effect and other laws related to the budding of talent. We will explore what talent is and how it's recognized. What is potential and is it recognized?

Eventually, we come to a conclusion regarding talent identification and talent development. A fascinating and worthwhile speech for anyone concerned with talent development.

"You do not change a foreign country, but a foreign country changes you "

Would you like to give your audience a glimpse into the football and youth development programs of other countries such as China, South Africa or the the United States?

We give presentations about the cultural, demographic and economic differences between those countries and how this relates to Dutch soccer vision and method. We will discuss how to deal with these differences and the do's and don'ts you need to know.

“The pilot flies the plane”

This presentation will inform you on how to build a youth academy and what role and position the head of youth development has during this process. What are the critical success factors of a successful youth academy?

We zoom in on the field of force around a youth academy, the role of the business model and the governance of a club. Using examples from practice, we will show how the academy director can navigate and determine his path within this.

For every club wishing to raise its academy to the next level.

"A unique perspective on football"

Why has Barcelona been so much fun to watch in recent years?  What makes Bayern Munich as effective and successful as they are? How does Ajax achieve such good results with a relatively young team?

Answers to these questions lay hidden in the application and implementation of the general laws of football.

In this presentation, we will present these laws of football to you through examples and images. I assure you that after this presentation, you will appreciate and look at football in a different way.